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October 18, 2022

Co-operation in the World of Tomorrow

Celebrated across Canada every October since 1982, Co-op Week provides a time to reflect on the contributions of the co-operatives in our communities. This year we are invited to gather around “Co-operation in the World of Tomorrow,” and at Modo, we connected this with the realization of our Purpose: To transform communities by connecting people with places in a way that’s affordable, convenient, inclusive, and sustainable.

Co-operatives and JEDI work

Supporting the effort of Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada (CMC), we also encourage discussion surrounding justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI) as a primordial part of today’s and tomorrow’s world.

Join Modo’s CEO, Patrick Nangle, on Wednesday, October 19, at 9:00 am as he exchanges with CMC and other experts on how co-operatives can be JEDI allies.

Register for the free roundtable

Group of people talking

Modo key takeaways about DEI

Modo has been working on making the co-op even more inclusive, including gaining a better understanding of whether practising the co-op principle of “open and voluntary membership” creates the conditions for a diverse and inclusive membership.

Lessons learned from the work-to-date include:

  • Don’t assume that because membership to your co-op is open and voluntary that you are thereby diverse and inclusive.
  • Take the time to understand where you’re at, both from a quantitative and qualitative perspective.
  • Hold yourself accountable for making changes and confirm that it’s actually happening.
  • Don’t stop working on this issue. It needs constant care and attention.