Winter Weather In Progress — Choose a Modo with winter tires & drive safely.
Not comfortable driving? Contact us to cancel your booking at no cost.
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Modo in your residential or office building

If you live in a multi-dwelling building or work in an office building, Modo makes it easy to free yourself
from the hassles of car ownership. We’ve partnered with businesses, real estate developers and
property owners across our service areas to make Modo vehicles available to building occupants — along with special membership incentives.
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Join Modo, get credit

If you live, work or study in a building with a Modo partnership, you may qualify for our special offers, including drive time credits and free memberships (which means you can enjoy driving at Modo Plus rates — our lowest rates available for any plan).

Request Modo for your building

If your residential or office building is not currently partnered with Modo, send us an email at with details of your interest. We’ll get in touch with you to discuss feasibility and next steps.

For more information on claiming your Modo membership

View our FAQs