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September 21, 2022

Modo Supports Outsider Artists Facing Barriers

Accessibility and inclusion are two pillars in Modo’s work, and we’re always looking for ways to support local organizations that share the same values.

For the past 75 years, the Community Arts Council of Vancouver (CACV) has been shaping cultural institutions to support a socially-engaged, inclusive and vibrant city as the longest-standing arts council in Canada. CACV supports emerging artists, performers, and the community through 3 programs: Vancouver Outsider Arts Festival (VOAF), Reframing Relations, and the Community Arts Fund.

Not many of you may know that CACV played an instrumental role in the establishment of the cultural institutions we know and love, including but not limited to Queen Elizabeth Theatre, the Vancouver Museum and Planetarium, the UBC School of Music, the first Vancouver Film Festival, and many other of Vancouver’s cultural institutions and events.

We are proud to share that through our partnership, CACV is able to provide transportation to artists with mobility issues or other disabilities who are participating in the 6th Annual Vancouver Outsider Arts Festival (VOAF) in October 2022.

Painting & Member loading a Modo

Vancouver Outsider Arts Festival: Why You Don’t Want To Miss Out

Canada’s first and only festival for outsider art, VOAF, is an annual festival that offers opportunities for exhibition, performance, connection and learning to visual and performing artists outside the mainstream who may be facing barriers. The festival aims to increase awareness about Outsider Artists and challenge stereotypes about who and what counts in the art world while providing a much-needed platform for visual and performing artists to gather, learn, and share their creative scope with the broader community.

VOAF is returning to the Roundhouse Community Arts and Recreation Centre this October 14-16 and is free to attend! The festival features artworks from over 40 visual artists, which are available for purchase, and over 15 live performances from poets, bands, singer-songwriters, and more.

Our favourite part? The free workshops during which you’ll be able to exercise your creativity and take home your unique creations. Learn about the art of Japanese flower arranging, discover how to mould and paint your own ceramic tile or create a soft sculptured flower (yes, that’s a thing!)


How You Can Help CACV

In the future, CACV aims to continue supporting initiatives and leading accessible programs that further community arts development throughout Vancouver. We look forward to many more years of partnership with Modo, and until then, we know it would mean the world to the CAVC team if YOU could also support their work.